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LFO Boss - Link LFOs

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LFO Boss - Link LFOs

6 ratings

This unique device allows you to easily link and sync LFO rates across multiple devices, parameters and plugins.  LFO Boss automatically learns rate settings from Live devices and 3rd Party plugins and provides controls specially tailored to sync rate modulation.  It also makes a more straightforward interface for working with un-quantized rate parameters in VSTs.


LFO Boss is NOT an LFO.

LFO Boss provides control of "Sync Rate"-type parameters which use beat divisions like those common in LFOs, Arpeggiator, Auto-Pan and Third-party Plugins.

This is the only device which can do this, and it is something that can only be done in Ableton / Max for Live by inspecting Sync Rate control values.

LFO Boss synchronizing sync rate across Auto Filter, Serum (VST), Operator, Hive (AU), Surge (VST), Wavetable and Arpeggiator. The different parameters express sync rates differently (e.g. 1/6 == 1/4 triplet == 1/4 trip == 1/4 t) and in different positions/order. LFO Boss makes controlling these all together magically simple.

Link at Multiples of the Base Rate

Create complex textures quickly by using different multiples of the base rate for different assignments.  If a target rate isn't available for a parameter it can fall back automatically to an available in-phase rate.  For instance, if Synth Z doesn't have 1/96 then it will fall back to other triplet divisions (1/48, 1/24, 1/12, 1/6).

Musical Sync Rate Modulation

Normally, Sync Rate controls values are not in a mathematically consistent distribution, so modulating through those values yields uneven results. But LFO Boss has three modulation targets which allow you to modulate the Sync Rate with more musical results.

  • Exp scales the selected rate logarithmically through available sync rates. This makes for smoother rate changes compared with Raw.
  • X is like Exp, but only factors of 2 relative to the base rate will be eligible. Example: If your base rate is 1/6 then modulation will reach 1/12 and 1/24 but skip 1/8 and 1/16. This makes rate changes with greater contrast.
  • Raw is like default modulation behavior (as though you modulated the Sync Rate parameter directly).

The Q (Quantize) button lets you control when the changes to Sync Rate are applied, so you can change rates only at musically-relevant times.

Map and Learn

Most parameters in Live devices, AudioUnits and VST3 plugins are learned instantaneously without user interaction. For unquantized VST2 parameters there's Learn mode.  This magically simple, one-time process builds a mapping file saved for automatic reference in the future.

When a parameter can't be "learned" on the fly (usually only VST2 plugins) a red dot appears next to it. Click the "L" (Learn) menu and then select the device name (e.g. Zebralette) under the "Learn" header to start the automatic Learn process. You'll be prompted to save the mapping file. Once saved, you'll never need to learn that parameter again.

For the (extremely) rare cases where parameter value labels don't follow convention it is also possible to manually edit the mappings for particular plugins. In truth this was made possible only to work around an old bug (some incorrectly labeled Sync Rates) in a particular famous VST which shall remain nameless.


  • Control Live device and 3rd Party plugin LFO rates with a uniform, easy to use interface.
  • Automatically learn, map, and save settings for different plugins.
  • Link sync rate controls at different multiples of the same rate for unique textures.
  • Quantize rate change to beats or custom patterns for musical results when modulating sync rate.
  • Fallback behavior keeps pulses in phase (duple, triple or dotted) when a parameter doesn't have the exact division requested.
  • Work with discrete (stepped) automation labels.  No more fussing with unlabeled or decimal automation values.
  • ~Hz mode makes it easy to get creative results with drawn automation curves and tempo changes.
  • Automate/modulate changes to the base sync rate via the Raw or Exp params.
  • Control the base rate using MIDI note input or automation.
  • Choose from four banks of available base sync rates.
  • Parameter mappers reflect track color and jump to the assigned device when clicked.
  • Compact, click-friendly UI blends with your Live theme.
  • Not just for LFOs.  Use it to control rate for arpeggiators, looping envelopes, Auto Pan and more.

Supported Devices

LFO Boss automatically supports Live devices, and comes with configuration files to support some 3rd Party VSTs.  Any sync/rate control expressed as a single automatable parameter can be controlled with LFO Boss.

  • All native Live devices in Live 10 and 11.
  • u-he Diva, Zebra2, Hive, Repro-1, Repro-5
  • Xfer Inc. Serum / SerumFX, LFOTool
  • Almost Anything. The automatic learning feature means you can always learn and store a mapping for “Synth Z”.

It was years from the first prototype of this concept to polishing and releasing the working, does everything-it-can-for-you-automatically device that is LFO Boss. The price reflects the behind-the-scenes engineering that makes the magic happen.

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1 Max for Live Device

16 Page User Manual
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15 Mappings for 3rd Party Plugins
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